Local Buylists

Departments in The Oldest Port

Updated 9/19/24

While living in The Oldest Port you are able to join one Department that is led by one of the Paragons. Each Department has their own focus and drive that serves the greater community. To support your department’s efforts you will get access to additional equipment to enhance your work.

In order to maintain a healthy balance you may only join one Department, but that does not stop you from helping out other Departments on the side! You will only have access to the equipment buy list for the Department you work for.

Once per event you may purchase 1 item per tier from your buylist, according to your tier within the department. All characters who initially join a Department start at Tier 1 and can ascend up to Tier 3. For example, if you are Tier 2 for a Department you may buy the Tier 1 & 2 items once an event. If you are Tier 1, you only have access to buy the Tier 1 item. 

Only members of a department may purchase from the buylist, but all Tier 1 & 2 items may be used by anyone who has the item card. Tier 3 items may only be bought and used by a Tier 3 member of that Department. At Tier 3 you may be asked to lead tasks involving your Department and there will be an expectation to represent your Department well. Tier 3 is earned through your commitment to your Department’s goals.

Costs: Tier 1 is 10 Chucks/Trade Notes, Tier 2 is 20 Chucks/Trade Notes, and Tier 3 is 40 Chucks/Trade Notes

Departments & Items

The Elitariat’s Dept.: Trade, Finance, and Infrastructure of the town

    • Tier 1: Foreman's Quittin' Whistle” (Single Use Plot Item Card) Spend 10 Mind via Basic Financial Influence to target up to 3 people using Artisan. Crafting time is reduced by 10 minutes (minimum 2 minutes). Requires roleplay of helpful guidance or assistance until all targets are done.

    • Tier 2: “Contractual Friendship” (Single Use Plot Item Card) May be used to buy a Tier 1 or 2 item from any other Department. Or may buy another Tier 1 Elitariat Item for Half Price.

    • Tier 3: “IOU” (Single Use Plot Item Card) “May be used to count as 15 items needed on a single Job Posting. Only one “IOU” may be used on a Job Posting at a time.”

The Townie’s Dept.: Inner Town Dealings & Investigations

    • Tier 1: “Investigator’s friend” (3 Month Plot Item Card) Spend 5 Mind to activate for 15 minutes. This obtrusive and distracting item must remain stationary. Player may use Basic Malicious with calm questioning roleplay. When Basic Malicious is used with this item, the player may ask an additional question per use of Basic Malicious.

    • Tier 2: “Forensic Tools” (Single Use Plot Item Card) Requires Proficient Educated to use. Spend 10 minutes and 10 mind investigating a scene to ask the Guide/Ops one question about what occurred there.

    • Tier 3:(NPC) Dossier” (3 Month Plot Item Card)  5 minutes, 10 Mind of observance you can ask the NPC OOG “Are you X NPC in Disguise or do you work for them?” If the answer is Yes, you may then spend 1 Resolve to cancel said disguise.

The Nomad’s Dept.: Outreach Program

    • Tier 1: “Kerosene Lantern” (Single Use Plot Item Card) Requires one hand to be used. Spend 5 Mind to activate and for the next 10 minutes the player holding the lantern may declare “Area of Effect: End all Stealth skills” once per minute.

    • Tier 2: Signal Flare (3 Month Plot Item Card) Spend 10 mind to use one “Warship munitions” while not on a boat mod. When used may add “No defend” to the damage call. Requires carded ship.

    • Tier 3:  “Traveler’s Trophy” (Single Use Plot Item Card) Identify up to 4 other people in arm’s reach and expend 5 Mind per person other than yourself. Name a location or direction. You and others may move 30 seconds out of game to said location/direction. May only move at walking speed.

The Gorger’s Dept.: Refugee/New Citizen Integration & Legal Oversight

    • Tier 1: “Instruction Manual” (3 Month Plot Item Card) Player may use this once per event. When crafting an item for a New Character (3 games or less played), you can present this at the Post Office and the player crafting the item does not spend any Mind Points in creation costs. Items and Time required to craft are still needed.

    • Tier 2:Mediator’s Forum” (3 Month Plot Item Card) Person using the item must spend 2 minutes conducting mediation set up roleplay. They may then spend 15 Mind and call, “Area of Effect: May not take Aggressive or Harmful Actions” This Effect last for 30 minutes in the designated area and only affects people who were there at the time of the call.

    • Tier 3: “Friendship Bracelet” (3 Month Plot Item Card) “Two bracelets, one worn by Tier 3 Gorger Dept Member & the other worn by a Character less than 1 year in play. Either may expend 1 Resolve to walk 10 steps out of game towards the other individual.

The Mutant’s Dept.: Scavenging Regulation

    • Tier 1: “Hidden Pouch” (3 Month Plot Item Card) Player can hide 1 Brew or Injectible from any searching of the body. This works even if the Character is deceased and the body is being searched.

    • Tier 2: “Spelunking Map” (3 Month Plot Item Card) Requires either Basic Salvaging or Foraging. Once per event at check in, may roll on the Jonesin table.

    • Tier 3: Bag of Tools (Supply Bag Item, 3 Month Plot Item Card) Spend 20 Mind and call “delay environmental/zone effect 1 minute. Must roleplay “negating/countering” the effect

The Landsmen’s Dept.: Land, Sea, & Air Preservation of Life

    • Tier 1: “Survey Map” (3 Month Plot Item Card) Spend 10 minutes and 5 Mind referencing a map of the local area. Once you complete the 10 minutes you may go to Ops and ask the threat level and clan/genus of one type (Raider, Critter, Undead) for the next 6 hours of modules. Must designate Raider, Critter, or Undead at time of purchase.

    • Tier 2: “X Body Spray” (Single Use Plot Item Card) Spray onto a target to allow them to call “Critters avoid me” for the next 10 minutes.

    • Tier 3: “Someone’s Trash…” (Single Use Plot Item Card) Upon Purchase identify Critter, Raider, or Undead. Phys rep must be a box about 2x4. Expend 10 Mind while holding or in arm’s reach of box to call “Attract X” X being the identified tag. If held, box requires two hands and can only move at walking speed. May call for 10 minutes.

The Devoted’s Dept.: Oversight of Mental & Physical Health

    • Tier 1: “AL’s Stout” (Single Use Plot Item Card) Must be imbibed prior to use of a Proficient Social. The next use of Proficient Social will remove 2 fractures instead of 1.

    • Tier 2:Mortimer’s Panacea” (Injectable) (Single Use Plot Item Card) Inject into a limb that is broken to immediately fix it as if healed by one use of Proficient Medical.

    • Tier 3:ColdWash” (Single Use Plot Item Card) Injectable, Can only be voluntarily used in bleedout, extend bleedout to 10 minutes, does not reset timer, incapacitated until end of timer, can’t be woken up, can’t use items, can’t speak/move, At the end of bleedout counter you can spend 1 Resolve to wake up stable, if not spent you die. Check Status will reveal you are under the effects of ColdWash.

The Evolved’s Dept.: Mortis Health & Related Matters

    • Tier 1: “Mortis Moss” (Single Use Plot Item Card) When consumed player must report to Ops to receive status of local Mortis. Until the next 12s you hear Gravemind Whispers. May receive additional relevant information based on plot.

    • Tier 2:Oblivsci Talisman” (3 Month Plot Item) May only be used in Mortis Amaranthine scenes. Once per event may call, “Gravemind next minute ignore me.” Until the next 12s or 4 hours you hear Gravemind Whispers, whichever is greater. 

    • Tier 3: “Omnia Vial” (Single Use Plot Item Card)  Spend 1 Resolve and role play pouring this viscous vial. May only be used in a Gravemind Scene. This will lessen the severity of Gravemind interactions/events. You have Gravemind Whispers for the rest of the event.