It’s time for Dystopia Rising Live!
With the switch to our new mechanics system comes the need to trade your old 3.0 items for shiny new ones! Some of this will require you to do a bit of pre-planning to help this go smoothly, but our goal is to swap as many of your items as we can during our February event. This is a big undertaking, so we appreciate your patience as we work to get everyone ready for DR Live.
If you’d like to plan out and submit your conversions in advance, it will be a huge help towards making our process on site be as smooth and fast as possible!
DR:TX has made a fantastic conversion spreadsheet, and have given permission for us to use it as well (with some modifications to suit DRMA’s planned process).
DR Live Item Conversion Spreadsheet
To make the item conversion process on site as smooth as possible, please fill out this Google spreadsheet, and bring your old 3.0 cards and Blueprints with you to turn in. In this spreadsheet you’ll be able to create and edit your own tabs for each character you’d like items transferred for.
Right click on the tab at the bottom of the screen titled “TEMPLATE: DUPLICATE THIS”, and click DUPLICATE
For each character, you’ll create a NEW TAB, formatted as “[PLAYER NUMBER] [CHARACTER NAME]” (I.e. “19496 Kyle”)
Blueprints will be converted on a 1:1 basis as best as we can.
A Conversion List is included on the spreadsheet for your reference, if your print is not on this list, then it has a direct 1 to 1 conversion! If you really aren’t interested in the DR:L version of the print you can choose instead to receive the carded resources that go into making the DR:L print.A number of prints were renamed or slightly changed in the new DR Live version. A Conversion List is included on the spreadsheet for your reference, if a print does not have a 1 to 1 conversion the Conversion List shows what you will receive instead.
There’s almost 100 different Blueprints that did not make the transition to DR Live. Also included is a list of Removed Blueprints, so you can check if you should choose an alternate print. Because so many prints are obsolete, if a print you have doesn’t have a conversion to DR:L please list this in the NOTES column of the spreadsheet and you can choose another print of the same type (eg. Brew print for Brew print, Armor print for Armor print)— with the exception of Necrology and new Criminal (Black Market and M. Inc) prints, which are not available for conversion.
There are about 200 new or changed Blueprints in DR Live, so this is a good opportunity to pick some of those up!
3.0 Criminal prints can only be converted to a carry-over DR:L Criminal print if you have the required faction and level (eg. Black Market 1) of DR:L Criminal skill listed in the print’s Production Skills section (not Print Reproduction).
If you do not have the requisite skill to get the conversion print, you can select a different print of any type (eg. Armor, Weapon, Meal) except for Necrology prints.
We will do our best to accommodate your requests while remaining fair to everyone.3.0 Blueprints that are now DR Live Necrology prints of the same name, cannot be converted to Necrology prints; but you can instead request a conversion to any other print of any type (eg. Armor, Weapon, Meal), except new Criminal (Black Market and M. Inc) prints. We will do our best to accommodate your requests while remaining fair to everyone.
*Our story team will also be taking into account the new prints for story this upcoming year; so if you don’t get all of the prints you want have no fear!
These are the types of items you’ll need to document for the conversion: Armor, Weapons, Shields, Vehicles, Gizmos, Brews, Injected Brews, Meals, Area Augments, Blueprints, and Traps.
No Transfer Needed: Herb, Scrap, Produce. All Herb and Produce will keep the same expiration date. Any Scrap without an expiration date will count as though they have a year expiration date starting February 2025. After February 2026 we will no longer accept any scrap cards that do not have an expiration date on them. Over the next year, we will work to cycle out undated cards, so please try to use them first!
Items That No Longer Exist: Local Plot Cards, cards with a Custom Mechanic, Forage and Salvage cards. If you have these cards, they are yours to keep (and fun to make into bookmarks)!
Items will be converted on a 1:1 basis as best we can. If you have 3.0 items that have a 1:1 DR:L conversion, but you really aren’t interested in the DR:L item you can instead choose to receive the carded resources that go into crafting the DR:L version.
A number of items were renamed or slightly changed in the new DR Live version. A Conversion List is included on the spreadsheet for your reference, if an item does not have a 1 to 1 conversion the Conversion List shows what you will receive instead.
If you have 3.0 items that do not have a DR:L conversion on the Conversion List, please list this in the NOTES column; and you can select any other equivalent item of the same type (eg. armor for armor, brew for brew)— with the exception of Necrology and new Criminal (Black Market and M. Inc) items, which are not available for conversion.
3.0 Criminal items can only be converted to a carry-over DR:L Criminal item if you have the faction and level (eg. M. Inc 2) of DR:L Criminal skill required to use the item.
If you do not have the requisite skill to get the conversion item, you can select a different item of any type (eg. Armor, Weapon, Meal) except for Necrology items.
We will do our best to accommodate your requests while remaining fair to everyone.
3.0 items that are now Necrology items of the same name, cannot be converted to Necrology items; but you can instead request a conversion to an item of any type (eg. Armor, Weapon, Meal) except for new Criminal (Black Market and M. Inc) items. We will do our best to accommodate your requests while remaining fair to everyone.
Converted items will keep their existing expiration, or will be reduced to the maximum DR:L expiration as if crafted the month it’s being converted- whichever is sooner. (eg. a Rifle made in 3.0 Dec 2024 with a 3 year expiration and converted Feb 2025 would expire Feb 2027 instead of Dec 2027.)
Below is what your sheet tabs should look like, with a drop down menu to keep the item types clear.
Here is the formatting you’ll need to follow for Item Card Conversions:
NUMBER OF ITEMS (ie, how many Red Mist do you have with the same expiration date)
This should be based on having the same expiration date - If you have two brews with the same name, and different dates, create TWO separate lines
An IMPORTANT NOTE for Item Formatting: Please use the FULL NAME of the item that you are turning in and receiving when you document them! This is immensely helpful for sorting purposes. Short hand versions (I.e “Todd’s” versus “Uncle Todd’s Healing Brew”) can slow down our process a lot.
Item Conversion Plan
If you can’t fill out the Spreadsheet before the event, that’s okay! We are planning for players doing Item Conversions during the our event.
Here’s how we will be handling the process:
NOTE: We will only be doing Item Exchanges at check-in pending team availability.
During the event, we will have a separate “Pawn Shop” desk and line at the Public Works (entry hall of the Main Building), which will function as a separate space from the Post Office that is exclusively for Item Conversions.
At The Pawn Shop, you'll be able to convert up to 3 items at a time before having to go back to the end of the line. If you’ve submitted your list through the spreadsheet, you can let us know which 3 items you’d like from it. This will allow you to get a few things together quickly like a piece of armor, a weapon, and a brew to get you on your feet! Please have your 3.0 cards or prints ready to hand in when you get to the desk.
If you’ve submitted your items beforehand on the spreadsheet, this is also where you’ll be able to pick up any conversions we were able to complete in advance. At The Pawn Shop, our team member will verify that the items you’ve listed in your exchange are correct, take those items from you, and then give you your new items.
Again, we will only do Item Conversions during check-in if we have the capacity.
If you submit your items prior to the event we cannot guarantee they will be done beforehand; but filling the spreadsheet out means that when there isn’t a line at The Pawn Shop we can continue working on conversions even when there isn’t anyone in line at the desk!
This is a BIG PROJECT, and we want to ensure that everyone has opportunity to get items to play with. Please be patient, reasonable, and show us a bit of grace as we work to accommodate everyone!