Ye Olde (new) Site-- Get to Know Ye Olde Commons!

Updated: 2/7/25

Below is a full breakdown of Ye Olde Commons, and where everything will be that we have access to during our event weekends!

Parking and Unloading/Loading
When driving onto site, player parking will be the first thing you see when pulling onto site. The main road leads down the hill towards site. Please do not drive past the gate, into town, as it will make getting cars in and out difficult. To the left of the gate, is a small lot- we will use this as a temporary unload/load parking area. Once you’ve unloaded your belongings please move your car to the main player parking so that others can use the temporary parking area.

As you go down the main road, towards the gate, the large building on your left will be our Ops Center. The front area is where we will be running check-in.

Sleeping Spaces

Past the gate on the left, as well as down the hill past the Mod Building, there are sleeping cabins. The first cabin on the left has ramp access.
All cabins have electrical plugs and a heater— please be careful to not plug in too many things as it may blow the fuse.
Extra sleeping space will be available in the Main Building as needed.

Medical Sleep

Medical Sleep will be in the side room inside the Main Building/Community Center. This room is accessed by a small set of stairs. If you need sleeping space without stairs please let us know and we will reserve space for you in the cabin with ramp access.



Post Office
The Post Office will be located in the entry hall of the Main Building.

Post Office Hours will be:
10pm Friday - 2am Sat
10am - 2pm Sat
(2pm-4pm Closed for Siesta)
4pm Sat - 2am Sun
8am - Noon Sun

Mod Building
Past the Community Center is the Mod Building. This is where we will be setting up some more immersive+environmental mod builds for everyone to experience.
Please don’t enter this building unless a mod brings you in there, or you are directed by a team member!

Behind Ops is the Barn. Our story team may be running some scenes in the Barn but there are areas we’ve been asked to not go in, so please only go in and where directed by Team.

Combat Inside
We’ve been given permission for occasional combat in the Main Building, so long as all glassware and bar items are put away.
No doors may be locked, blocked, or made inaccessible in any way.
Doors may not be kicked open or closed, or otherwise forced open/shut.

YOC requires ServSafe certification to enter the kitchen. If you’d like to use the kitchen during our events please email us your proof of certification to in advance of the event so that we can provide it to the site owners.
For those who do not have ServSafe certs there will be hot water, a fridge, and microwave available to use in the main area of the Community Center.

*YOC has offered to run a meal plan for us in the future- details pending.
If we choose to use their meal plan, the kitchen will not be available to use. But once we get further details, we will poll everyone before deciding if we will use their meal plan.

All smoking must be 50ft from any building or tent. Vaping is prohibited indoors.

Swimming on site is prohibited.

Candles, lanterns, and torches are allowed only with supervision, and must not be left unattended.
Torches are only allowed outdoors and must be a minimum of 10 feet from any building, tree, shrub, or tent.
Glass oil-based lanterns are prohibited.
Campfires are allowed only in established fire rings, under proper supervision. (Additional tents and structures may not be placed within 10 feet of a fire ring.)
- A full 2 gallon water bucket must be kept near fire rings when they are in use.

Explosives and Pyrotechnics
Use of explosives, including the use of gasoline and other incendiary agents, is prohibited. Special effects pyrotechnics are limited to those allowed by Massachusetts Law without permits: sparklers and smoke grenades. (Use of sparklers and smoke grenades but still be approved by DRMA Directors in advance of use).
All other fireworks require an appropriate Massachusetts operator permit and local license for display of fireworks; and must be approved by DRMA Directors in advance of use.

ADA compliant service dogs are the only animals authorized to be on site without special written permission from the site owners and DRMA Directors.

Firearms, metal bb firing air guns, hunting bows/arrows, hunting crossbows/bolts, metal bladed weapons, are prohibited on Olde World grounds. Paintball guns or other marking guns are prohibited.

Wall decorations must be attached with blue painter tape.
Decorations on trees may be attached with push pins/thumb tacks.
Painting or altering Olde World property is prohibited.
All tape, pins, and staples must be removed prior to vacating the property.