Ye Olde (new) Site-- Get to Know Ye Olde Commons!

Updated: 2/7/25

Below is a full breakdown of Ye Olde Commons, and where everything will be that we have access to during our event weekends!

Parking and Unloading/Loading
When driving onto site, player parking will be the first thing you see when pulling onto site. The main road leads down the hill towards site. Please do not drive past the gate, into town, as it will make getting cars in and out difficult. To the left of the gate, is a small lot- we will use this as a temporary unload/load parking area. Once you’ve unloaded your belongings please move your car to the main player parking so that others can use the temporary parking area.

As you go down the main road, towards the gate, the large building on your left will be our Ops Center. The front area is where we will be running check-in.

Sleeping Spaces

Past the gate on the left, as well as down the hill past the Mod Building, there are sleeping cabins. The first cabin on the left has ramp access.
All cabins have electrical plugs and a heater— please be careful to not plug in too many things as it may blow the fuse.
Extra sleeping space will be available in the Main Building as needed.

Medical Sleep

Medical Sleep will be in the side room inside the Main Building/Community Center. This room is accessed by a small set of stairs. If you need sleeping space without stairs please let us know and we will reserve space for you in the cabin with ramp access.



Post Office
The Post Office will be located in the entry hall of the Main Building.

Post Office Hours will be:
10pm Friday - 2am Sat
10am - 2pm Sat
(2pm-4pm Closed for Siesta)
4pm Sat - 2am Sun
8am - Noon Sun

Mod Building
Past the Community Center is the Mod Building. This is where we will be setting up some more immersive+environmental mod builds for everyone to experience.
Please don’t enter this building unless a mod brings you in there, or you are directed by a team member!

Behind Ops is the Barn. Our story team may be running some scenes in the Barn but there are areas we’ve been asked to not go in, so please only go in and where directed by Team.

Combat Inside
We’ve been given permission for occasional combat in the Main Building, so long as all glassware and bar items are put away.
No doors may be locked, blocked, or made inaccessible in any way.
Doors may not be kicked open or closed, or otherwise forced open/shut.

YOC requires ServSafe certification to enter the kitchen. If you’d like to use the kitchen during our events please email us your proof of certification to in advance of the event so that we can provide it to the site owners.
For those who do not have ServSafe certs there will be hot water, a fridge, and microwave available to use in the main area of the Community Center.

*YOC has offered to run a meal plan for us in the future- details pending.
If we choose to use their meal plan, the kitchen will not be available to use. But once we get further details, we will poll everyone before deciding if we will use their meal plan.

All smoking must be 50ft from any building or tent. Vaping is prohibited indoors.

Swimming on site is prohibited.

Candles, lanterns, and torches are allowed only with supervision, and must not be left unattended.
Torches are only allowed outdoors and must be a minimum of 10 feet from any building, tree, shrub, or tent.
Glass oil-based lanterns are prohibited.
Campfires are allowed only in established fire rings, under proper supervision. (Additional tents and structures may not be placed within 10 feet of a fire ring.)
- A full 2 gallon water bucket must be kept near fire rings when they are in use.

Explosives and Pyrotechnics
Use of explosives, including the use of gasoline and other incendiary agents, is prohibited. Special effects pyrotechnics are limited to those allowed by Massachusetts Law without permits: sparklers and smoke grenades. (Use of sparklers and smoke grenades but still be approved by DRMA Directors in advance of use).
All other fireworks require an appropriate Massachusetts operator permit and local license for display of fireworks; and must be approved by DRMA Directors in advance of use.

ADA compliant service dogs are the only animals authorized to be on site without special written permission from the site owners and DRMA Directors.

Firearms, metal bb firing air guns, hunting bows/arrows, hunting crossbows/bolts, metal bladed weapons, are prohibited on Olde World grounds. Paintball guns or other marking guns are prohibited.

Wall decorations must be attached with blue painter tape.
Decorations on trees may be attached with push pins/thumb tacks.
Painting or altering Olde World property is prohibited.
All tape, pins, and staples must be removed prior to vacating the property.

DR Live Item Conversions

It’s time for Dystopia Rising Live!

With the switch to our new mechanics system comes the need to trade your old 3.0 items for shiny new ones!  Some of this will require you to do a bit of pre-planning to help this go smoothly, but our goal is to swap as many of your items as we can during our February event. This is a big undertaking, so we appreciate your patience as we work to get everyone ready for DR Live.

If you’d like to plan out and submit your conversions in advance, it will be a huge help towards making our process on site be as smooth and fast as possible!
DR:TX has made a fantastic conversion spreadsheet, and have given permission for us to use it as well (with some modifications to suit DRMA’s planned process).

DR Live Item Conversion Spreadsheet

To make the item conversion process on site as smooth as possible, please fill out this Google spreadsheet, and bring your old 3.0 cards and Blueprints with you to turn in. In this spreadsheet you’ll be able to create and edit your own tabs for each character you’d like items transferred for.

    • Right click on the tab at the bottom of the screen titled “TEMPLATE: DUPLICATE THIS”, and click DUPLICATE

    • For each character, you’ll create a NEW TAB, formatted as “[PLAYER NUMBER] [CHARACTER NAME]” (I.e. “19496 Kyle”)


  • Blueprints will be converted on a 1:1 basis as best as we can.
    A Conversion List is included on the spreadsheet for your reference, if your print is not on this list, then it has a direct 1 to 1 conversion! If you really aren’t interested in the DR:L version of the print you can choose instead to receive the carded resources that go into making the DR:L print.

  • A number of prints were renamed or slightly changed in the new DR Live version. A Conversion List is included on the spreadsheet for your reference, if a print does not have a 1 to 1 conversion the Conversion List shows what you will receive instead.

  • There’s almost 100 different Blueprints that did not make the transition to DR Live. Also included is a list of Removed Blueprints, so you can check if you should choose an alternate print. Because so many prints are obsolete, if a print you have doesn’t have a conversion to DR:L please list this in the NOTES column of the spreadsheet and you can choose another print of the same type (eg. Brew print for Brew print, Armor print for Armor print)— with the exception of Necrology and new Criminal (Black Market and M. Inc) prints, which are not available for conversion.

    • There are about 200 new or changed Blueprints in DR Live, so this is a good opportunity to pick some of those up!

  • 3.0 Criminal prints can only be converted to a carry-over DR:L Criminal print if you have the required faction and level (eg. Black Market 1) of DR:L Criminal skill listed in the print’s Production Skills section (not Print Reproduction).
    If you do not have the requisite skill to get the conversion print, you can select a different print of any type (eg. Armor, Weapon, Meal) except for Necrology prints.
    We will do our best to accommodate your requests while remaining fair to everyone.

  • 3.0 Blueprints that are now DR Live Necrology prints of the same name, cannot be converted to Necrology prints; but you can instead request a conversion to any other print of any type (eg. Armor, Weapon, Meal), except new Criminal (Black Market and M. Inc) prints. We will do our best to accommodate your requests while remaining fair to everyone.

  • *Our story team will also be taking into account the new prints for story this upcoming year; so if you don’t get all of the prints you want have no fear!


  • These are the types of items you’ll need to document for the conversion: Armor, Weapons, Shields, Vehicles, Gizmos, Brews, Injected Brews, Meals, Area Augments, Blueprints, and Traps.

    1. No Transfer Needed: Herb, Scrap, Produce. All Herb and Produce will keep the same expiration date. Any Scrap without an expiration date will count as though they have a year expiration date starting February 2025. After February 2026 we will no longer accept any scrap cards that do not have an expiration date on them. Over the next year, we will work to cycle out undated cards, so please try to use them first!

    2. Items That No Longer Exist: Local Plot Cards, cards with a Custom Mechanic, Forage and Salvage cards. If you have these cards, they are yours to keep (and fun to make into bookmarks)!

  • Items will be converted on a 1:1 basis as best we can. If you have 3.0 items that have a 1:1 DR:L conversion, but you really aren’t interested in the DR:L item you can instead choose to receive the carded resources that go into crafting the DR:L version.

  • A number of items were renamed or slightly changed in the new DR Live version. A Conversion List is included on the spreadsheet for your reference, if an item does not have a 1 to 1 conversion the Conversion List shows what you will receive instead.

  • If you have 3.0 items that do not have a DR:L conversion on the Conversion List, please list this in the NOTES column; and you can select any other equivalent item of the same type (eg. armor for armor, brew for brew)— with the exception of Necrology and new Criminal (Black Market and M. Inc) items, which are not available for conversion.

  • 3.0 Criminal items can only be converted to a carry-over DR:L Criminal item if you have the faction and level (eg. M. Inc 2) of DR:L Criminal skill required to use the item.
    If you do not have the requisite skill to get the conversion item, you can select a different item of any type (eg. Armor, Weapon, Meal) except for Necrology items.
    We will do our best to accommodate your requests while remaining fair to everyone.

  • 3.0 items that are now Necrology items of the same name, cannot be converted to Necrology items; but you can instead request a conversion to an item of any type (eg. Armor, Weapon, Meal) except for new Criminal (Black Market and M. Inc) items. We will do our best to accommodate your requests while remaining fair to everyone.

  • Converted items will keep their existing expiration, or will be reduced to the maximum DR:L expiration as if crafted the month it’s being converted- whichever is sooner. (eg. a Rifle made in 3.0 Dec 2024 with a 3 year expiration and converted Feb 2025 would expire Feb 2027 instead of Dec 2027.)

Below is what your sheet tabs should look like, with a drop down menu to keep the item types clear.

Here is the formatting you’ll need to follow for Item Card Conversions:





  • NUMBER OF ITEMS (ie, how many Red Mist do you have with the same expiration date)

    • This should be based on having the same expiration date - If you have two brews with the same name, and different dates, create TWO separate lines

An IMPORTANT NOTE for Item Formatting: Please use the FULL NAME of the item that you are turning in and receiving when you document them! This is immensely helpful for sorting purposes. Short hand versions (I.e “Todd’s” versus “Uncle Todd’s Healing Brew”) can slow down our process a lot.

Here’s an example of what a filled out spreadsheet tab should look like when you are finished!

Item Conversion Plan

If you can’t fill out the Spreadsheet before the event, that’s okay! We are planning for players doing Item Conversions during the our event.
Here’s how we will be handling the process:

NOTE: We will only be doing Item Exchanges at check-in pending team availability.

  • During the event, we will have a separate “Pawn Shop” desk and line at the Public Works (entry hall of the Main Building), which will function as a separate space from the Post Office that is exclusively for Item Conversions.

    • At The Pawn Shop, you'll be able to convert up to 3 items at a time before having to go back to the end of the line. If you’ve submitted your list through the spreadsheet, you can let us know which 3 items you’d like from it. This will allow you to get a few things together quickly like a piece of armor, a weapon, and a brew to get you on your feet! Please have your 3.0 cards or prints ready to hand in when you get to the desk.

    • If you’ve submitted your items beforehand on the spreadsheet, this is also where you’ll be able to pick up any conversions we were able to complete in advance. At The Pawn Shop, our team member will verify that the items you’ve listed in your exchange are correct, take those items from you, and then give you your new items.

    • Again, we will only do Item Conversions during check-in if we have the capacity.

      • If you submit your items prior to the event we cannot guarantee they will be done beforehand; but filling the spreadsheet out means that when there isn’t a line at The Pawn Shop we can continue working on conversions even when there isn’t anyone in line at the desk!

This is a BIG PROJECT, and we want to ensure that everyone has opportunity to get items to play with. Please be patient, reasonable, and show us a bit of grace as we work to accommodate everyone!

Predators and Prey: New Critters of The Oldest Port’s Ecosystem - Part One

Gaf was free at last. Free from the close confines of the barracks where they stayed. Free from the constant noise and gossiping of the other young adults in the Progress Quarter. Two years after the city of Progress fell meant Gaf was about twenty years old, and that meant they were past due to have selected a trade or craft to go into.

 All of the other youth in the barracks had already started apprenticing in workshops, studying medicine, or volunteering for the Quarter guard by now. Gaf’s one saving grace was a package from the Landsman, who had noticed the young Iron’s tendency to wander the forests near the Quarter and sketch pictures of what they saw. 

“Dear Gaf, This is an old Foresters guide I had lying around. The written descriptions are quite detailed, but I’d love some of your drawings as visual aids for a re-publishing. Feel free to add anything else you find out there.” was all the note on the package said.

Said package also contained the journal itself and a small request form granting Gaf some gear from the Quarter’s supply depot.

Now armed with a solid staff, some new boots, and an almost waterproof backpack to hold their pages and implements, Gaf set out on their new purpose and finally took a moment to breathe in the sense of freedom it gave them—right before something smashed into them from the side. 

“GRBRAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!” bellowed the dark-furred blur of movement that now scrambled to stand up after they both had tumbled off the path into a ditch. Gaf’s training kicked in they had their feet under them and new staff in hand quickly. The… thing however was still flailing on the ground, in fact it was bleeding, badly. 

Taking a moment to assess the creature, Gaf took in the sight of the thing. It was a decent size critter, black furred, tightly curled horns on its head and… spikes sticking out of it? Did something shoot this animal with a bow? It was then that Gaf saw the wounds, its back left leg was seriously mangled, and several lacerations and punctures marked its back side. Making a split-second decision, Gaf put down the staff and started to approach, hands open, while reaching for the first aid supplies they kept in their pack. The creature ceased its thrashing and baying, eyes locked onto Gaf for the whole duration of the approach.

“Easy, easy, let me help,” whispered Gaf.

“Brrraaaaaaahhhhh,” responded the furry thing, warily. 

Irritated bleating aside, the thing let Gaf take care of its wounds, and once cleaned and bandaged it even stood. 

“There you go little guy, all better, now what do we think happe-” Gaf was cut as a zed tackled them to the ground. Training did not save Gaf this time, and shortly they were pinned, snapping jaws and ripping claws shredded their body while pressing them into the frozen ground. Gaf screamed and yelled for help, knowing it was unlikely to come… until it did. 

It’s a strange site to see a monstrous zombie go from strangling you to death to flying about 10 feet through the air.

A deep resonating “BAAAAAAAAH” sounded from behind where Gaf lay. As they pulled themself up and began assessing their own condition, they stopped. Where Gaf had expected to see the small critter they instead saw a much larger version standing between Gaf and what they now understood was a young one of these. 

This older one had larger curled horns and, yeah, these were actual stone-like spikes sticking from the fur, like some sort of armor. But they didn’t seem to cause the animal any distress. Gaf had heard of livestock animals that were kept in the Oldest Port, but nothing came even close to these critters.

“Who ar- thank you, I would ha-” Interrupting themself they quickly spun to look for the zed that had attacked, fumbling for their staff they turned and found… two more of the dark-furred critters had appeared and were now taking turns bashing the Bursters head into the ground with their hooves. Turning back to the larger one, Gaf saw it investigate the wounded youngling, then it approached Gaf, who tensed and stood stock still. It lowered its head and gently pressed against Gaf, shoving them a few feet before it turned once more and started to walk away down the trail. At this point, almost a dozen had appeared and were falling in behind the now clear leader. As Gaf watched them go, expecting them to leave them behind, the leader stopped, and turned, giving a way too intelligent look before huffing and …. Indicating for Gaf to keep up, which they did. 

Gaf spent hours with the small herd, and once they had stopped to bed down under the setting sun, Gaf immediately started writing out a letter. “To the Lansdman. I think I found something new you will be interested in! Also I think I just got a job as a shepherd? Or a vet, I am not sure yet, but I’ve made some new friends in the woods!”


2025 Dates and Site Announcement

After a long, unexpected, wait we’re so excited to finally share our 2025 dates!

YOC is under new ownership, and we are looking forward to working with them as we return to our former home!
More information about the site will be posted on our website soon.

2025 dates:

Jan 17-19 (Virtual)

February 7-9 (In-Person)*

March 28-30 (In-Person)

April 18-20 (Virtual)

May 9-11 (Virtual)

June (OFF, summer break!)

July 18-20 (Virtual)

Aug 22-24 (Virtual)

Sept 12-14 (Virtual)

October 17-19 (In-Person)

November 21-23 (In-Person)

December 12-14 (In-Person)

*February 2025 will be our first event back in person for 2025, and will also be DRMA’s official switch to the DR LIVE mechanics system!

Tickets for our January event will go up for sale on Friday Dec 27th at 2p ET.

Event dates will be updated on our website and in the database asap.

DRMA 2024 Online Econ Update

Updated 1/5/24

With the new network changes to LIT usage starting in 2024, DRMA will no longer be updating LIT with new items or trades.
Instead we will be writing out item cards, and mailing them directly to players.

As part of this new process there will be a few changes to how we handle econ and other item related processes for our online games.

To start off our 2024 January game we’ve decided to try out a spreadsheet format, for everyone to fill out and submit, which will provide our logistics team a clear list to write out your item cards.
This form will be used in place of our previous public works channels in the event Discord server.

This form can be filled out by any players who attend our event. And can be submitted anytime from now (in future months it will be the Friday 1 week before) until Saturday at 12p ET of the event; emailed to
This form should be used for any projects relating to: Foraging/Salvaging (not including randomized finds), Buy List purchases, Agriculture, Artisan, Conversions, Culinary, Hunting, Print Copying, Financial (including Elitariat), Trailblazing.

Standard rules/costs/restrictions for crafting/gathering/etc apply.
A player's characters may not work together/swap off on a project, share materials, etc.

How Will Time Costs Work:
Each player will have up to 12 hours total of crafting time for the event, which may be split up however you'd like between your characters and projects.
(ex. Character 1 uses 6 hours for crafting 3 projects, Character 2 uses 4 hours for farming and salvaging, Character 3 uses 2 hours for cooking)

These 12 hours are not conditional on the time you spend in mods, RP chats, etc (you essentially get the full weekend Fri-Sun for RP, mods, story; and 12 hours of econ).
But you are required to check into and request access to the server, in order to be considered as Attending the event and qualify to receive items.
We encourage you to use the time during the event that would usually be spent filling out Public Works posts and in the Work Zone, as a chance to RP with others, join some mods, and experience even more of our story. You’re welcome to continue RPing econ+crafting in the server, and we will have RP channels available for it; but it is not a hard requirement.

How Will Mind Costs Work?
Each player will have mind equal to 3 times your max mind (ie. 2 refreshes) per character; which can be used for your projects.
You may not use any items or gear to increase or refresh your mind pool for use in this form.
(Ex. Character 1 has a mind pool of 20; so they have a total max of 60 mind that can be used on this form. Character 2 has a mind pool of 35; so they have a total max of 105 mind that can be used on this form)

This available mind is separate from your mind you will have available to use in the Discord server for mods, teaching, healing, etc. which will work as it previously has- where each character’s mind pool will refresh at the 12s during the weekend, and can be supplemented with items and gear as written.

How Will Resolve Costs Work?
Each player will have 1 resolve pool per character, shared between expenditures on the Econ form and in the Discord server (for mods, skills, items, etc).
(ex. Character 1 has 4 resolve; they spend 3 while cooking, and 1 on a mod. Character 2 has 4 resolve; they spend 4 on cooking, gain and additional 1 from another character using Social which cannot be used on the Econ form, and spend the regained 1 on a mod.)

How Will Spent Resources Work?
As of Jan 1, we are no longer able to use LIT inventories in the database for anything other than removing items. All spent materials will be removed from the player's LIT account. If this causes negatives due to using carded items this can be zeroed out by turning in the cards at an in person game.

Existing quantities in LIT will be spent first before negatives are entered as we are not able to enter them as unique custom pulls.
If you have multiple versions of an item in your LIT (ex. Tree Nuts with 3 different expirations) and would like to use specific ones first, please note that in the form in the “Items Spent” field. Otherwise we will default to the nearest expiration date.

*Items used and gained on mods/in game spaces will be recorded separately from this form using the same method as before— either reported to us by mod runners, or logged by you in the Used Item channel in the server.

How Does Trading Work?
If you plan to trade resources with other players we ask that you please coordinate with them how you will exchange those items. Unfortunately, due to the complications it would involve, DRMA's team will not be able to facilitate card/item trades; and can no longer enter trades in LIT.
Traded items that are expended will be removed from the LIT of the character expending them, which can then be zeroed out as needed when the traded cards are received by the player.
(ex. Player A agrees to give Player B 3 Basic Herb. Player B then makes brews using those 3 Basic Herb. -3 Basic Herb will be removed from Player B’s LIT)

If you have any questions about this process, please email before game; or open a Director ticket in the event server during the weekend.

*You will need to save a copy of the econ form, update the title to include your name and player number, and email/share access to us when ready.

Dystopia Rising Mass 2024 Dates

Dystopia Rising Massachusetts is excited to announce our 2024 dates!

Due to Camp Marshall’s closure in winter and summer camp, we will be continuing to host online events during the times our site is unavailable.


January event - Jan 5-7 : Online (Discord)

February event - Feb 2-4 : Online (Discord)

March event - Mar 22-24 : Online (Discord)

April event - Apr 26-28: Camp Marshall

May event - May 10-12: Camp Marshall

June event - May 31-June 2: Camp Marshall

July event - Jul 12-14 : Online (Discord)

August event - Aug 9-11 : Online (Discord)

September event - Sept 20-22: Camp Marshall

October event - Oct 18-20: Camp Marshall

November event - Nov 15-17 : Online (Discord)

December - Winter Break, no event.

Update: Our event dates have now also been added to our Calendar of Events HERE

Spookwalk 2023 at Camp Marshall

Come join us for our 2023 Spookwalk at Camp Marshall!

Every year our wonderful site hosts a halloween weekend of fun for the local community.
Part of that fun is a nightly haunted horror walk (like a haunted house but around the lower grounds of site). As part of our partnership with Camp Marshall, Dystopia Rising MA is helping to run it this year, and we’re looking for volunteers to help play our host of horrors!

This year’s theme is perfectly suited for our community: Zombies!
Our team has been crafting a fun story to tell through this medium; but we need your help to bring it to life!


Friday October 27th and Saturday October 28th.
The haunted walks will begin at 7p, running till 11p at the latest each night. We’re asking volunteers to arrive at 5p so that we can get into costume, makeup, and do a walkthrough of what everyone will be doing.


Camp Marshall. For those arrive for the start of the walk each night, meet outside the building we use as the Post office; we’ll be operating out of there as our NPC land.
Parking location is TBD, and will be announced before the event.


Our spookwalk will include 5 short scenes, spread out around the Lower Grounds, that participants will experience as they go through. Each run of the spookwalk will only be about 20 minutes, each scene taking about 5.
We’re looking for volunteers to play various roles including scientists, zombies, in-story “tour guides”, and more!
Some scenes or roles may involve speaking with participants, but all roles will have no physical contact; and all scenes will be relatively low physical demand (mostly walking, and shambling about; no combat or running).

As a thanks for your time and help we will be giving volunteers:

  • Dinner each night

  • 50 CAPs per hour (this includes arrival and prep time, NPCing, build/breakdown help before or after, etc)

  • 1 free purchase from ANY Old Port Department Buylist; for those who volunteer for a full day (those who do multiple days will get 1 free purchase per day volunteering!)

  • Our undying gratitude!

If you’re interested in participating and helping us run an fun taste of immersive experience to the Masses (pun intended) please fill out the sign up form below so we can lock in our roster and reach out to everyone about the fun plans we have in store.

Non-DR players are more than welcome to volunteer if you have friends who’d like to join us!

Network Update to Ticket Pricing

Hello all, here is an important announcement from National about a pricing change across the network; effective October 1st, 2023.

Please email if you have any questions not answered in the post about the national policy.

Dystopia Rising Massachussets’ Ticket Plan

As mentioned in the announcement, while these new prices are standard they are not currently mandatory; and each branch can elect to discount their tickets.
After much thought and discussion, we have decided that at Dystopia Rising Massachusetts we will be offering our tickets at a lower increase of $10, for tickets affected by the new pricing.

This means that starting in October our ticket pricing will be:
The 4-hour (standard) casting ticket will be increasing from $65 to $75 (instead of $85).
The 2-hour (minimum) casting ticket will be increasing from $85 to $95 (instead of $105).
The casting opt-out ticket will be increasing from $100 to $110 (instead of $120).
The 6-hour (maximum) casting ticket will remain the same price, at $45.
The 10-hour day ticket (with 2-hour casting) will remain the same price, at $35.
Online event tickets will be increasing from $45 to $55.
New Player (first game) tickets will remain the same price, at $35. And guides will still be able to give a free first game to new players as before.

We recognize that this is a complicated topic in many ways, and please know that this was not a decision we came to lightly.
Our goal is not to price anyone out or be made to feel unwelcome. We made our decision with the goal that a smaller increase to tickets will allow us to keep entry to our events as affordable as we can; while still helping us better cover our operational costs, so that we can continue to tell wild stories of horror and hope with you all.

If you have any questions about our local MA policies please contact us at

Opening up Character Setup Spaces

As characters get settled into The Grove Quarter of Old Port, we want everyone to have space to set up and make this new town feel like home.
But we still want to maintain the Community Center as an open and neutral space where all characters, no matter their affiliations, can gather freely.

Our solution… Opening up cabins on the “boys side” of camp for what we will be calling: Character Setup Spaces!

If you’re interested in setting up a faith center, hospital, research center/library, bar, or any other town staple you can think of, this is the post for you!

These spaces will be available for free, but will need to be reserved in advance so that we can coordinate with our campsite; and provide a more equal opportunity for those who can’t always get to site first to “claim” a space.
Character setup space reservations will be added to our store as a free add on option, when registration tickets and build go up before each event.

Policies for Reserving and setting up In character spaces:

- Reserving An In Character Space: Building reservations will be first come first serve every month. You are welcome to reserve the same space each month, but reserving an in character setup space one month does not guarantee you the same, or any, building in following months.
If you and someone else would like to swap your reserved buildings, please email ahead of the event, so we can label them properly during set up.

- Reservation Limit: To allow as many people as possible the opportunity to set up in character spaces; there is a limit of 1 building reservation per person.

- Amenities & Resources: These buildings will have the same conditions as the sleeping cabins. They are all open air, with no direct electricity— and we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide power to these spaces. Individuals are welcome to bring their own solar or generator power for their setup spaces.

- How The Space Can Be Used: All character setup spaces will need to remain open and accessible to all Players throughout the whole weekend, like the Community Center— however, you are welcome to utilize the character setup spaces for group and other character initiatives (faith chapel, lounge, bar, etc). These spaces do not need to remain neutral or unaffiliated.

- Setup Restrictions: Inline with our site’s safety and fire requirements, there can be no flame based appliances. Electrical cooking appliances are ok (please make sure to clean up any food trash to prevent animal visitors).
Live fire cooking appliances (grills, campfires, etc) are not permitted in/around these buildings, and must remain on cement per the site’s fire safety policy.
Smoking (hookah, cigarettes, etc) is not permitted in any of these buildings.

- Sleeping In Character Setup Spaces: These Character Setup Spaces aren’t intended to be private sleeping cabins (stay tuned after our May game for an announcement about that!).
However, if you choose to sleep in the building you’ve reserved, please keep in mind that it will still need to remain accessible throughout the whole weekend to all players, no matter the time or day.
For example: If you set up a bar or hospital in the front section of a long building; and choose to sleep in the back section— You can “close” the bar service for the night and go to bed, but other players may still come and go to RP and utilize the space no matter the time of night.

- Wasteland: A lot of work goes into the creation of these spaces, and we want everyone to feel like they have say over the experience they have and engage with at game. All character setup spaces will, by default, not count as Wasteland; however these buildings can opt into being wasteland.
To do so, the individual who reserved the space may come to Ops and register their space as Wasteland, where they will get added to the list and given a Wasteland sign to hang on the door.

As with non wasteland cabins, non wasteland character setup spaces are still subject to standard CvC and gameplay rules. While they will also not be targeted by wasteland only threats/mods, these spaces are still subject to passing mods and standard combat— the same as the Community Center.

- Cleanup: As of now, all reserved character setup spaces will be considered personal cleanup. Camp cleanup will include a survey of any trash in the areas outside of the cabins; but the breakdown, packing, and cleanup of all character setup spaces will be personal cleanup.

Wasteland Warriors Where?

Hi all, today’s blog is a quick update with a mixture of important information for everyone as we quickly approach the start of our live event opener!!

First things first, Wasteland:
Our website has now been updated with our Wasteland information!

Projected timelines for Friday:
While sometimes our timeline gets a little delayed, these are our estimated times for the start of our event.
Full hours of operation are also viewable now on the website!

2pm FRI - Early set up arrival and start (please meet at Ops)
5pm FRI - Site opens to all attendees
7pm FRI - Checkin opens (at the Post Office)
9pm FRI - Opening announcements
10pm (est) FRI - Game on (for this month we will all be entering game together so make sure to come to Opening announcements to hear all the specifics)

Site Reminders:

  • Camp Marshall gets DARK at night. We will be providing solar powered lights at night, but we highly recommend you bring your own red lights (portable and for your sleeping spaces)

  • All of our cabins are open air and Do Not have power running to them. It is unfortunately forecasted to be rainy and a little cold this weekend; we highly recommend bring extra changes of clothes. As well as warm bedding, and sheets/tarps to block off airflow to your cabins.

  • It’s tick season! Remember to prepare your clothing with tick repellent (give it time to dry completely!) and bring bug spray.

  • We will only have a fridge and microwave available as kitchen/food amenities; there is no kitchen available for cooking. You are welcome to bring plug-in cooking appliances to use in the community center.

Cabin Layout
As mentioned in our previous blog post all about Cabins, we have a pre-selected number of cabins that will be unlocked and available to claim a bed in when site opens. Below is a map of the cabin layout, and which cabins you can expect to be unlocked when you arrive onsite.

Any cabin marked “open” is available for all players to stay in, beds are claimed on a first come first served basis— please do not reserve or save beds for others who are not on site yet.

Addendum 4/27 1:30pm:
Covid Requirements and Waivers
Also a reminder that all attendees must submit our new digital waivers. It only take a minute to fill out; electronic waivers signed for DR:NJ are accepted.
Anyone under 18 years of age, will still need a paper waiver signed by a legal guardian.

Full covid vaccination, plus at least one booster or a negative covid test from the last 72 hours is required to attend all DR:MA events.
Full details on our covid policy and how to submit vaccination records can be found here