Local Diseases
Listed below are the diseases you may encounter in the Massachusetts chapter, along with the mechanics and known treatments for each stage.
Updated 4/23/24
Blue Bloat
Transmission Vectors: Bodily fluids/touching the blue slime algae it comes from. Caused by rare algal blooms in deep ocean, often gets caught on zed and other sea creatures that come to land. If contact with mucus membranes (eyes, nose, mouth), infection starts at Stage 2.
Description: A rare disease known to sailors as one seen in Avontuurs who treasure hunt the oceans, Cult of the Deep hunters, and, very rarely, other ocean-dwelling Saltwise.
o Stage 1: Blue veins around eyes and mouth, place where slime touched skin turns skin gray. Roleplay itching/pain on gray skin. Not contagious.
o Stage 2: Blue veins spread to neck and forearms. Gray skin expands up limb where victim touched slime. Itching/pain on gray skin continues. Not contagious.
o Stage 3: Gray skin expands, swells, and splits, oozing blue slime. Contagious.
o Stage 4: Gray skin covers at least 50% of body, splitting and oozing blue slime randomly. Victim vomits/coughs up blue slime once every 12s. Contagious.
o Stage 5: All visible skin is gray and oozing. Slime oozes out of mouth, nose, and eyes. Victim coughs up blue slime twice every 12s. Contagious. Character death after second month
Disease Progression: every 2 months. Does not transfer to other chapters, if character is not at events for 3+ months in a row, disease does not progress.
Current Known Resolutions:
o Stage 1 & 2- Treated with draining of blue veins and removal of bloated skin (Basic Medical, 5 minutes, 5mp)
o Stage 3- Same treatment of veins and extensive removal of bloated skin (Proficient Medical, 10 minutes, 10mp)
o Stage 4- Unknown, more research needed.
o Stage 5- Unknown, more research needed.
o Remission versus cure: Insufficient data, more research needed for later stage cures.
o Return from Mortis Amaranthine cures Disease: Unknown, more research needed.
Radiation Poisoning
Transmission vector: intense sources of radiation, not transferable by victim.
Description: A debilitating state in which a body has absorbed too much radiation to continue to function properly. Sores and discoloration of the skin become more prevalent the more intense the case.
Stages: Roleplay and makeup requirements compound. Mechanical effects do NOT compound.
o Stage 1: Fatigue, fever.
o Stage 2: Increased fatigue and gain nausea. Regain 10 less mind at next twelves
o Stage 3: Visible sores appear. Regain 15 less mind at next twelves
o Stage 4: increasing skin discoloration. Regain 25 less mind at next twelves
o Stage 5: severe burns and disfiguration of the skin. Do not regain any mind at the twelves. (If not cured at the end of month, results in character death, infection loss may not be prevented)
Duration between stages: indefinite. Does not progress without further exposure to radiation.
o Identifiable with Basic Medical skill
o Treated at Stage 1–2 with Basic Medical skill, 10 Mind points, 10 minutes role-playing removing of irradiated substances and gear from the body.
o Treated at Stage 3–4 with Proficient Medical skill and “Candlepin medical kit” 15 mind, 20 minutes role-playing blood transfusion, intake of clean fluids and solid food.
o Treated at Stage 5: Master medical skill and “Ottoman Disease Control Kit”, 20 mind 30 minutes role-playing intense medical intervention involving all previous treatments as well as the expenditure of B Pain killers.
o Remission versus cure: Disease cure is known, treatment will cure patient.
o Return from Mortis Amaranthine cures Disease: No