Unique Threat Skills
These are skill calls you may hear from threats in our chapter that are not standard elsewhere in the rules. If you hear them in the field, this is what they mean!
Updated: 4/25/23
“Consume whole”- this call will be followed by a clarifying prompt to affected player(s) to proceed out of game to a designated location. This is countered by “never here” but the user will still proceed out of game where directed and await Guide instructions.
“Mercy Paralyze 2 minutes” (Countered by Master Mental Endurance) may not move, speak, use skills, or Psionics. damage and bleed out does not break this effect.
“Pull under” (countered by Balance) this melee strike represents an attempt to drown the victim violently in a nearby water source. Deals either 20 body OR 20 body Murder, specified at time of call.
“Fascinate”: delivered by packet or AOE, countered by Basic Mental endurance. Once Fascinated, you must approach the source at a walking pace, unable to turn or look away from it. You may not harm the source until it harms you. Killing the source, destroying the source of the Fascinate or entering bleed out yourself ends the effect. While under the effect of Fascinate you may not use the Mental Endurance skill tree or items that require the Mental Endurance skill tree. If you possess the Mind killer PFA you may use the Mental Endurance skill tree and related items while under the effects of Fascinate.